Brazilian energy transition boosts the solar energy market

Photovoltaic energy shows significant growth figures across the entire country

Por Tuper S/A  |  28 de May de 2024 às 14:46
Soluções Tuper para o setor fotovoltaico

Solar energy is increasingly consolidating in the energy transition process in Brazil. In April of this year, the installed capacity of photovoltaic generation in the country reached 41 gigawatts (GW) – 18.2% of the entire Brazilian energy matrix. This figure is nearly three times that of Itaipu, which has a capacity of 14 GW. The country currently ranks sixth in the world in terms of accumulated solar capacity, behind China, the United States, Japan, Germany, and India.

The data comes from the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (Absolar). By December 2024, the association predicts that the installed solar capacity will reach 47.3 GW, a 25% increase compared to last year (37.9 GW). Therefore, the market shows great growth potential.

Rapidly growing sector

Currently, around 3.5 million consumers are served by their own solar energy generation, according to Absolar estimates. These account for 28 GW of all the solar energy produced in the country, or two Itaipu plants. Another 13 GW are produced by large solar power plants, meaning centralized generation.

This vast market, which has attracted more than R$195 billion in investments since 2012, draws consumers, investors, and large companies. A study by McKinsey consulting firm estimates that wind and solar sources combined should account for most of the energy produced in the country by 2040, reaching 47% of the energy matrix.

The segment becomes even more promising when considering the continuous technological development. The trend is for solar energy to become the lowest-cost modality by 2040.

Tuper steel solutions for photovoltaic structures

Tuper serves the solar energy market with steel solutions for structural applications in various types of projects, supplying components such as profiles, tubes, and welded assemblies for fixed ground structures or trackers, both in centralized and distributed generation. Applications include carports, agrivoltaic systems, and small, medium, and large solar power plants, among other structures.

All Tuper’s tubes, profiles, customized parts, and systems are available to the market in hot-dip galvanized steel and pre-galvanized steel, as well as in Magnelis®. Various types of raw materials can be used in manufacturing, such as Civil Steel 300 and 350, AMT SolarSyst 300 and 350, among others.

The technical specifications of the tubes and profiles are adjusted for each type of application, resulting in optimized performance. The profiles can also be perforated in line according to project needs. Additionally, all products can have other added services, such as laser cutting, end forming, robotic and manual welding, painting, and other services offered by Tuper. The technologies employed in all of Tuper’s production processes expand the possibilities of application and facilitate the design and execution of various types of projects.

To learn more about Tuper’s steel solutions for the photovoltaic sector, download the catalog.
Watch the video on YouTube.

Sources: Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (Absolar) | Infomet Digital Magazine

About Tuper

With 53 years of operation, Tuper is one of the largest steel processors in Latin America. The company follows market evolution with extensive product lines in compliance with the most demanding national and international standards.

The product portfolio includes solutions for application in industrial, automotive, civil construction, agribusiness, photovoltaic energy, oil and gas segments, among others.

The steel solutions produced by Tuper include structural and industrial tubes, conduit tubes, galvanized ducts, scaffolding tubes, boiler tubes, condensers and heat exchangers, drawn tubes, Line Pipe API 5L and Casing API 5CT. Additionally, it manufactures quick-connect tubular piles, steel roofing, structural profiles, ribbed composite slabs, scaffolding, metal props, paneling, and slitters. Completing the product catalog, automotive parts and components, welded assemblies, and aftermarket exhaust systems and catalysts.

Tuper’s history is marked by determination, boldness to create innovative solutions, and a commitment to providing excellent products for all the segments it serves.
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